Sunday, August 17, 2008

haulin' on home DAY 4 (day at the hospital)

today we were riding to rochester from niagara falls... we were riding for only 2 miles when we came to some railroad tracks that were passing over diagonally and we went to cross them, my mom in front... me right behind

the first rail we got over fine and then i got this weird gut feeling and then the chills... then next thing i know my mom went down and my tire went into her and i flipped over my handle bars i got up right away and looked down at my mom and saw her laying down at the concrete and i got so scared that i let out a yelp and then a tear... i ran over to my bike and called my dad who was in the car a few miles up the road... they came back and got all of our road rash cleaned up... i seriously thought my mom was really injured for that slight second... i got back on the bike to see if i can continue the ride but i was in so much pain in my shoulder and up my leg that i just stopped

my mom hit her head and was feeling woozy so we went to the hospital

every thing is fine with both of us
jsut some bumps and bruises and i got an awesome lunch there 

i hope to get up and ride tommorow

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Just checked the appear to be having quite the adventure! You guys are totally amazing! Stay safe!

Melanie, Kai & Alani